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The current version of Media Center Master is 2.14. Version 1.32 has been used for many the examples in the wiki, so beware that some of the options may be expanded or look different than various screen shots.

Official/Unofficial Wiki Pages Most of the content on the wiki was written by fans and users like yourself. If a page is marked as Official, then the content was written with official information (usually by the software author).

Concerning Issues Using XBMC with Media Center Master

There are five (5) common issues that will come up during a set-up of XBMC by users who also use Media Center Master.

  • The first issue will come about when adding a collection to XBMC. In Media Center Master the collection of movies and tv series are contained in folders, known as: "Scan" folders. The "Scan" folders, are what, will be added into XBMC. XBMC calls these folders: "Source" folders. In that some users are accustom to the term "Scan" folder thru the use of Media Center Master, and the new term "Source" folder may bring about confusion, this guide will use the term "Scan/Source" folder.
  • The second issue will come about when setting the contents of the "Scan/Source" folder. XBMC requires the user to choose a fetching source. The selection of a fetcher in XBMC is used for more than just fetching meta-data and images. This selection is, also, used to "Set the Contents," type of files contained in the "Scan/Source" folder, which then links the "Scan/Source" folder to the correct button on XBMC's "Home Page" (the first screen shown when the XBMC program opens), "Movies" button or "TV Shows" button.
  • The third issue will come about after selecting the fetcher. Depending on what fetcher is selected there will be a list of additional options to appear below that will need to be to set. The first option in the list for both fetching sources will be a "Run automated scan" option. The scanning process will take a longer time with a large collection, if the internet is left connected to the system. In that Media Center Master has already scrapped meta-data and images, with it's fetchers, disconnect the internet from the computer, or at the modem, if networked with other systems, during the set-up of the "Scan/Source" folders. After the "Scan/Source" folders are scanned into XBMC's database, reconnect the internet so XBMC can update Add-ons/plug-ins/scripts, weather data....
  • The fourth issue is using the actors/crew member images collected with Media Center Master. XBMC requires these images to be in the individual movie folders. Media Center Master, only, has a setting for all of the images to be downloaded into one folder. This issue has been addressed through the forums and is, already, listed in the Issue Tracker, Issue 780: Ability to use existing Actor images from MCM/MB with XBMC. Should you, also, wish to have a feature like this in Media Center Master, please visit the link and star it for priority consideration (sign in and click on the star next to the issue tracking number).
  • The fifth issue is XBMC has a feature to click an icon and view Movie Theatrical Trailers from a movie title page. Settings in XBMC allow for the trailer to be viewed from an on line source, or directly from locally stored trailer files. XBMC requires locally stored trailer files to be named in a specific manner and be saved in the individual movie folders. A "Premium Version" of Media Center Master can be set for downloading, renaming and parsing trailer files for use in XBMC, through the "Trailers" tab.

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Prepare to Practice Installing XBMC

Setting up and configuring XBMC does not have to be a "Hair Pulling Experience." It should be looked at as: "An Exciting Adventure To The Ultimate MultiMedia Experience."

Practice set-up and configuration runs of XBMC should begin with the scan/source folders only containing a couple movie titles and/or a couple tv series with a couple episodes. More movie titles, series, and episodes can be added in as the practice runs proceed. This is suggested for three reasons:

  1. Because the Settings & Preferences in the "XBMC" tab deals with skin selection. There are several skins that come prepackaged with the installer, and ready to be installed. Each skin has it's own special characteristics and settings. Be aware of add-ons that are skin specific; some add-ons will only work in certain skins. The BackRow and Transparency! skins are favored over the others, by this writer. Pete uses the BackRow skin. When a user is setting up XBMC for the first time, the user does not know what skin will be "the one." After determining what skin will be used, and if this option is needed, then Media Center Master can be used to process and prepare a complete media collection for XBMC.
  2. Just to get started, leaving room for error correction, less time consumption for the learning process, by reducing the rescanning time of scan/source folders. The main issue with XBMC is it has a lot of features for a new user/installer to check out and numerous ways to be customized. There is no doubt in this writer's mind, it is a given, and a known fact by every main household user/installer of XBMC, that a new user/installer will be redoing settings, installing/disabling/uninstalling skins, installing/disabling/uninstalling add-ons. Ultimately in time uninstalling and re-installing XBMC more than one, two, three, four... or, maybe, more times. The number of uninstall and re-install sessions will depend on how particular the user is to getting it, just, right. Thank you, Team XBMC, for the fast installer, and uninstaller.
  3. Attempting to avoid a big mess going into more, and more, and more information, deeper subject matter than just a quick set-up by involving additional options available in Media Center Master to change, re-do, or un-do XBMC settings after media titles have been processed by Media Center Master (issues relating back to reason #1) and scanned into XBMC (issues relating to the fifth (5th) issue in the above section and issues relating to the next section).

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Create a New Users Account for Practice Sessions

If the user will be using the same computer that already has a configured instance of Media Center Master installed for the practice sessions, create a new user account. This will allow for the use of a fresh, instance of a Free Version of Media Center Master, and will not change any of the current user settings in the other user account. Ensure that the fresh instance of Media Center Master has been auto-updated to the correct version and build before using. This can be done through the Help Menu>System information. Locate the line with "Media Center Master: X.XX.XXXXX.XXX (X represents a number), and note the version and build number. Compare the number to the "current version X.XX.XXXXX.XXX/Month day, year" found on any of Pete's signatures in his replies to topics at the forums. The new user account and the user files can be deleted after the practice sessions are completed.

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Media Center Master's Meta-data and Image Files vs. XBMC's Database

Media Center Master scans movie titles and tv episodes in the "completed downloads" folder (watch folder), and uses it's fetchers to create .xml, meta-data files, and .jpg, image files, while still in the "completed downloads" folder. After fetching is complete, and if the options in the "XBMC" tab are enabled, .nfo files are created from .xml files and .tbn files are created from .jpg files. All of the completed files are then moved. Files for movies titles are moved to the movies "Scan" folder, or to another location, and stored in individual movie title named folders. Files for tv episodes are moved to the tv series "Scan" folder and stored in the corresponding tv series named folder, created by adding a tv series. If a season folder is needed for the episode, it is created. Media Center Master stores all of it's meta-data and image files in user defined areas.

XBMC is designed to scan movie titles and tv episodes it the "Scan/Source" folder, and use it's fetchers to fill a database used for displaying content (meta-data and images) in the user interface. XBMC stores it's database on the Operating System hard drive (usually labeled C:), in the users, hidden, %AppData%Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database\MyVideosXX.db (XX = number assigned to file by XBMC) file.

XBMC will not create any extra files or folders in the movie and/or tv series "Scan/Source" folders. XBMC will not update, edit, or modify any file in the "Scan/Source" folders during a manual or automated scan, or update. The only time XBMC will modify the contents of the "Scan/Source" folders is when an export of the library is done manually, by the user. During the export library function XBMC will create it's own .nfo file with meta-data from the database for each movie title and/or tv series for importing the meta-data back into another installation of XBMC.

During a scan of the "Scan/Source" folders XBMC uses .nfo files and .tbn files, if found, first, if not, then XBMC uses it's parsing and fetching features to fill it's database.

Once a movie title and/or tv series with images, and a Media Center Master's created .nfo file has been scanned and entered into XBMC database, the .nfo file and image files are no longer used by XBMC. Any attempt to modify these files (.nfo files or image files) through Media Center Master in order to view the revisions in XBMC by "refreshing" XBMC's library (options available in XBMC: Refresh, Update Library, and Scan for New Content) will not work. There is, however, methods to do this, and more on this subject will be presented in other guides.

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Media Center Master's "XBMC" Tab Settings

These settings are set according to your folder/file structure and for the skin chosen.

  1. "Create XBMC-compatible movie.nfo meta data"
    • Enable this option. This file naming convention is used in XBMC for a folder/file structure where each movie title is contained in separate folders.
    • This option will create a movie.nfo file for movies and a tvshow.nfo file for tv series from the default .xml file Media Center Master creates with the scrapped meta-data acquired from it's fetchers.
  2. "Resize posters to banner size for T.V. shows (some XBMC skins need this; a backup will be made)"
    • Pay attention to your skin's images to determine selection.
  3. "Create movie.tbn artwork from poster.jpg"
    • This option is set enabled as a default during Media Center Master installation. The .tbn extension is required for images in XBMC.
  4. "Use [video filename].nfo/.tbn modern style naming"
    • This file naming convention is used in XBMC for a folder/file structure where all movie titles are contained in one folder.
    • Some skins may require this setting.
    • The first and third options, also, need be enabled for this option to work.
    • If enabled these files will be added to each of the movie title folders and to the tv series folders.

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Media Center Master's "Netgear" and "NMT/PCH" Tab Settings

If you are not using these products, disable all of these options.

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Install XBMC

Download the current version of XBMC.

Follow the wizard to install using all the defaults. In the last window enable, "Run XBMC" then click the "Finish" button.

This guide uses the Windows version of the installer.

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XBMC Quick Start Guide

XBMC's quick start guide can be used for additional reference not supplied in this guide.

This wiki guide will supply enough information to get a user through a basic set-up of XBMC and explain how to refresh/update XBMC with new movie titles and tv episodes added into the "Scan/Source" folders by Media Center Master.

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Getting Around, Navigating, in XBMC

XBMC can be used with a keyboard and mouse, and remotes. How to get around, navigate, in XBMC can be found through XBMC's Default Controls wiki page.

For user who do not have a remote and thinking about purchasing one. XBMC works straight out of the box with a Windows Media Center Infrared Remote. This is the remote with "the Green Button." There is, also, an Add-on available called MCERemote that easily, reconfigures, re-assign button actions, to do different things.

Adding "Scan/Source" Folders

XBMC Confluence Skin Home Page>Videos>Add source>Browse>

Step 1

Locate "Scan/Source" folder thru Browse for new share widow.

  • After clicking on the "Scan/Source" folder a list with ".." (indicates Parent Folder) as the first item will appear.
    • The path to the "Scan/Source" folder will be listed above the list.
      • Select "OK."
Step 2

Should you wish to have a different name for the folder when it is viewed in XBMC, rename it.
This will not rename the folder in the "Scan/Source folder.

Select "OK."
Step 3

Select a fetcher for the type of content contained in the "Scan/Source" folder.
Depending on which fetcher is selected a list of options will appear below.
Enable options as required for scanning your "Scan/Source" folder and file structure.

  • Run automated scan
Enable this option. Scan will be preformed after selecting options below and clicking on "OK."
  • Use folder names for lookups
Enable this option. Movie titles should be in individual folders.
  • Scan recursively
Enable this option. The scan needs to progress from the "Scan/Source" folder into the movie title folders.
  • Selected folder contains a single video
Option should be disabled from above choice.
  • Exclude path from library updates
Do not enable this option. If you enable this option your collection will not be updated with new content.
  • Settings
These are settings for the fetcher feature, and will not be described or used in this guide.

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Locating the Movies and TV Shows Buttons on the Confluence Home Page

After scanning the "Scan/Source" folders it is necessary to disable a hide option for the Movies and TV Shows Button in order to view the media library. By default the skin settings for these buttons are enabled to "Hide the Buttons".

Disable these options Confluence Skin Home Page>System>Skin>Home window OPTIONS>Hide Main Menu Buttons>Hide - Movies (Videos - Library), and Confluence Skin Home Page>System>Skin>Home window OPTIONS>Hide Main Menu Buttons>Hide - TV Shows (Videos - Library)

Back out of the "Skin" settings to the "Home Page" to view the media library through the "Movies" and "TV Shows" buttons.

Settings for options like this vary between the different skins. Some skins "enable to hide," and others "enable to view."

Scan for New Content vs. Update Library

"Scan for new content" and "Update library" will add new movie titles/tv series/episodes to XBMC's database. Both of them do the same thing, just in a different manner.

The following two options are found through the context menu (right click, or "c" on keyboard).

Update Library
Runs through the complete collection (all scan/source folders) and compares it's finding with the database. Checks for any new video, image, and .nfo files that have been added and rescans those folders.
Scan for New Content
Runs through a scan/source folder located through Home page>Video>TV Series and/or Movies (whatever you named them), or an individual tv series and compares it's finding with the database. Checks for any new video, image, and .nfo files that have been added and rescans those folders (i.e. the same as "Update Library" but it is restricted to, just, this one folder, source, series).

The following option is found through: Home Page>Settings>Videos>Library

Update Library on Startup
Does the same as update library, just does it automatically at startup.

Automating this process has already been added as a feature request to Media Center Master. See Issue 546: XBMC - API Integration. Should you, also, wish to have a feature like this in Media Center Master, please visit the link and star it for priority consideration (sign in and click on the star next to the issue tracking number).

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Installing Skins

The following sources may help in determining which skin to choose and assist with any skin specific help and support. These are not the only sources for this information. There are several places to look in the XBMC website, and other on-line locations.
XBMC Community Forum>Help and Support>Skin specific help and Support

XBMC installs with a default skin called "Confluence." The paths used to get to the page where a user will install and change a skin will vary between the different skins. It is, therefore, suggested to go through a page, such as: the xbmc.org/skins, and choose which skins the user is interested in examining during the practice sessions. Install the selected skins through the Confluence skin. This guide will not supply instructions on how to do this for every skin.

Confluence Skin Home Page>System>Add-ons>Get Add-ons>XBMC.org Add-ons>Skin

Choose a skin, click on "Install." A download indicator will appear in the list to the right of the skin name. When downloading is complete, an option window will appear asking: "Would you like to switch to this skin?" Click, "No," then install other selected skins. Include the Transparency! skin as a selection. Do not change skins during any install process. As mentioned above, skins are different, not only in looks, also, in the way of navigating through them. The Transparency! skin will be use in an example below.

When all skins have been installed back out of the Add-ons menus to the "Home Page." Back to top

Changing Skins

Navigate to: Confluence Skin Home Page>System>Appearance>Skin>Skin

Click on current skin name a pop-up window will appear with a list of installed skins.

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Summation of Above Sections: "To Do" List

First Practice session
  1. If needed, create a new user account on the same computer that has Media Center Master installed to use for practice sessions.
  2. Close all programs, reboot, and log into the new account.
  3. Create new "Scan/Source" folder/s with just a few movie and/or tv episode files (just the video files, nothing else).
  4. Open Media Center Master ensure that it is up to date with current version build. Restart if necessary to update.
  5. In the "XBMC" tab, Enable the 1st setting (create .nfo files), the 3rd setting (create .tbn files) should be enabled by default.
  6. Add the "Scan/Source folder through "Set scan folder..." option.
  7. Fetch meta-data, images, and create the required .nfo and .tbn files with the "Media Menu>Re-fetch all media titles" option.
  8. Download and install XBMC.
  9. Disconnect the internet at the computer, or modem, if networked.
  10. Add "Scan/Source" folders.
  11. Select fetcher to link "Scan/Source" folder to correct "Home Page" button/s.
  12. Auto-scan "Scan/Source" folders to build XBMC database with supplied .nfo and .tbn files.
  13. Reconnect the internet.
  14. Enable "Movies" and "TV Shows" button in Confluence skin settings to view collection.
  15. Add a couple more movie titles, tv series and episodes (just the video files) to Media Center Master "Scan" folders.
  16. Fetch meta-data, images, and create the required .nfo and .tbn files with the "Media Menu>Re-fetch all media titles" option.
  17. Scan for new content or Update Library to view newly added media by Media Center Master.
  18. Repeat the two steps above to use the different methods to add new media into XBMC's database.
  19. Experiment with additional settings.
  20. Choose, install, and change skins (repeat as necessary). Skin selection determines settings in "XBMC" tab.
  21. Repeat steps above to add new media.
  22. Pay attention to images and meta-data on pages for possible change to settings in the "XBMC" tab.
  23. Choose, install, and change add-ons (repeat as necessary). Some add-ons are skin specific.
  24. Repeat steps above to add new media.
  25. Pay attention to images and meta-data on pages for possible change to settings in the "XBMC" tab.
Uninstall and Re-installing XBMC Practice Sessions
  1. Prepare "Scan/Source" folders for XBMC reinstall. If needed, delete all meta-data and image files, leaving only video files.
  2. Add more movie titles and tv series and episodes, as needed.
  3. Enable additional settings in the "XBMC" tab, if needed for skin choice.
  4. Use the "Media Menu>Clear cache and refresh the list of media" option in Media Center Master.
  5. Fetch meta-data, images, and create the required .nfo and .tbn files with the "Media Menu>Re-fetch all media titles" option.
  6. Uninstall, reinstall XBMC.
  7. Disconnect the internet at the computer, or modem, if networked.
  8. Add "Scan/Source" folders.
  9. Select fetcher to link "Scan/Source" folder to correct "Home Page" button/s.
  10. Auto-scan "Scan/Source" folders to build XBMC database with supplied .nfo and .tbn files.
  11. Reconnect the internet.
  12. Enable "Movies" and "TV Shows" button in Confluence skin settings to view colletion.
  13. Choose, install, and change skins (repeat as necessary). Skin selection determines settings in "XBMC" tab.
  14. Choose, install, and change add-ons (repeat as necessary). Some add-ons are skin specific.
  15. Repeat above steps as needed.

Once the user knows what skin and add-ons will be used, the user account and user files used for the practice sessions can be deleted.

Real set-up
  1. Enable required settings in the "XBMC" tab in Media Center Master.
  2. Disable the options in the "Netgear" and/or "NMT/PCH" tabs, if not using these products.
  3. Fetch meta-data, images, and create the required .nfo and .tbn files with the "Media Menu>Re-fetch all media titles" option.
  4. Download and install XBMC.
  5. Disconnect the internet at computer or modem if networked.
  6. Add "Scan/Source" folders.
  7. Select fetcher to link "Scan/Source" folder to correct "Home Page" button/s.
  8. Auto-scan "Scan/Source" folders to build XBMC database with supplied .nfo and .tbn files.
  9. Reconnect the internet.
  10. Choose and install skin.
  11. Choose and install add-ons.
  12. Set additional settings for user preferences in XBMC.
  13. Enjoy.

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See Also

Cinema Experience

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Copyright © 2009-2024, Media Center Master, Inc. All rights reserved.