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Quick Set-up: Premium Version, Usenet Downloads

From Media Center Master documentation
Revision as of 09:37, 18 October 2011 by Robert d (Talk | contribs) (Media Center Master Settings)

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The current version of Media Center Master is 2.14. Version 1.32 has been used for many the examples in the wiki, so beware that some of the options may be expanded or look different than various screen shots.

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Media Center Master Reference Guide: Main Page

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***** Disclaimer -- read this before using Torrent Downloader *****

Media Center Master Version 1.33 should be used with this guide.

This guide is for users having experience with Usenet downloads and media collections. It provides a basic set-up configuration for downloading Movies and TV Series Episodes with the associated meta-data for each. It does not include information for setting up an existing collection for fetching meta-data.

A detailed set of guides is available for downloading with torrents. It starts with the Preliminary Installation Guides and finishes with How to Interpret the First Run. It includes images, details about the steps, information about how the processing of fetching meta-data, downloads, and automation works, as related to the installation. It is designed for a specific task of downloading a few episodes at a specific time for a known result to be used for testing the user's configuration and settings.

The settings used in all of the guides are not designed to be used as a real life, real time, configuration. These guides are intended to get an installation of Media Center Master functional so the settings can then be customized by the user. Jumping between the guides (attempting to shorten the length of the detailed guide) to customize a user set-up may not produce the results the user is wishing to accomplish.

The wiki guides use a different presentation for a configuration setup than what is listed in the forums (Support>(Guide) MCM & µTorrent integration). Do not attempt to jump between the wiki guides and the forum guide to solve a problem.

Should a user have issues with the program or any of the guides, support is available through the forum. How to access logs, support information file, and other information is listed at the end of this guide. Please send any related material, what guide was used, step number, portion of log file, support information, screen captures... along with a detailed description of the problem in you topic.

Media Center Master Settings

Additional options, outside of what is listed, should be added after a test run.

  1. Application Menu>Set scan folders...
    Enter folder Location/s for Media Collections.
    Must use separate folders, one for Movies and one for TV Series.
    For first time run/test purposes empty folder/s should be chosen.
    If a folder with an existing media collection is used for this location,
    Media Center Master will automatically start a scan of the folder contents after closing the Scan Folder List Window.
  2. Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>Renaming Tab.
    Set options as needed.
  3. Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>Downloader Tab.
    Enable, "Enable movie downloads."
    Select quality of download.
    Enable, "Enable TV downloads."
    Select quality of download.
    Skip TV episodes before:(*)
    If this option is not set to a date, Media Center Master will attempt to download every episode for each TV Series added.
    "Don't download movies with an IMDB score under:"
    Setting this number to "10" will reduce the number of movie titles to be downloaded during test run.
    "Don't download movies released..."
    Setting this number to "1" will, also, reduce the number of movie titles to be downloaded during test run.
    "Don't download movies that can't be found at imdb.com"
    Enabling this option will further reduce the number of movie titles to be downloaded during the test run.
    "Look for higher definition of movies than what I have and download if found"
    This option, if enabled, will not work with this test run (scan folders should be empty).
    (*)Episode downloads are dependent on this date setting, and the Airing Dates of the TV Series/s chosen in Step 7.
  4. Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>Usenet Tab.
    Enable, "Enable Usenet downloads."
    Enter NZBMatrix.com username and password.
    What should Media Center Master do when it downloads a .nzb file:
    Set preferred options and supply additional information were needed.
  5. Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>Download Parser Tab.
    Completed downloads scanned from this folder (watch folder):(*)
    Create folder and enter folder location where Media Center Master is to move completed downloads.
    The default NZB processing folder is located in Media Center Master's user hidden folder.
    Automatically detect new video files here and process them.
    Enable this option, and
    Enable, "auto-rename"
    Enable, "auto-move"
    Enable, "auto-fetch meta data"
    Don't allow duplicates; replace with better quality
    This will not work in the test run (scan folders should be empty)
    Move movie downloads to this folder:
    If this location is not set to the same location set in Step 1, these movies will not be processed into the collection cache.
    "Attempt to extract from archives"
    .rar downloads will require this option.
    "Automatically clean-up folders left behind by T.V. downloads (if no video files or archives exist)"
    Enable/Disable - user choice.
    (*)The "Watch Folder" for completed downloads can also be the same folder used for uTorrent, if torrent downloading is also used.
  6. Click "Save" button to save settings and exit "Settings & Preferences."
  7. Media Menu>Add a T.V. series...
    Step 1.
    Be careful to select the T.V. folder, not the Movie folder, from list.
    Step 2.
    Enter TV Series Name.
    Spelling must match thetvdb.com site TV Show Listing Name.
    Click Search.
    Click Next.
    Step 3.
    Click Finish.
  8. Log Window.
    Media Center Master GUI>Show log (bottom, middle of screen).
    Click to enable.
    Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>General Tab>Show timestamp in the log window.
    Click to enable.
  9. Auto Run.
    Application Menu>Settings & Preferences>General Tab.
    Adjust Time Frames.
    download new movies every.
    download new TV episode every.
    run download parser every.
    use uTorrent integration every.
  10. Manual Run.
    TV Series.
    Tools Menu>Download new T.V. episodes.
    Right Click on the Series in the Media Collection List.
    Download new episodes now.
    Tools Menu>Download new movie releases.
  11. Additional Options.
    Search Forum, or Post Topic in Forum.
    See User Interface for Option Descriptions in wiki.
    This is a work in progress, please be patient.

Support Information

  1. Log file/s
    Application Menu>Log all output to a file...
    "Log to file"
    Enable to create log file.
    "Open logs"
  2. Support Information.
    Help Menu>Support information.
  3. Debugging
    Help Menu>Debug...
    "Show developer-level debug messaging"
    Messages show in log window and are listed in the log file.
    "Log auto-update attempts to disk"
    File name and location:
    %AppData%\Peter Souza IV\Media Center Master\AutoUpdate.log
    The file can, also, be quickly accessed through:
    Application Menu>Log all output to a file...>Open logs

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